Sunday, October 22, 2006

Badass American Mo-Fo's

The Cold Hard Football Facts take a quick break from football to deliver a history lesson. Read the whle thing but for a taste - here's what they had to say about the Minutemen at Lexington and Concord:
Talk about iron balls. These ordinary farmers were living happy little lives carved out of the woods of New England when the most powerful army in the world decided to march into town. Most people in that part of the country today would do the popular dance known in nearby Cambridge as the "Noam Chomsky shuffle," in which you firmly embrace belligerent tyrants. The Americans back then grabbed their guns, stood their ground and stared down the imperial stormtroopers. In the space of hours, they forced the invaders to retreat and slaughtered the most feared army in the world as it fled 20 miles back to Boston. In a true show of patience, stones and determination that would shock modern Americans, the farmers laid siege to the Brits holed up in Boston for an entire year. The limeys finally fled town the following March. It’s the last time a foreign army, or enemy insurgents other than the Harvard faculty, stepped foot in New England. The only thing people in Lexington fight for today is the right to teach second graders about gay sex.
Sadly they aren't even joking about that last line. Even sadder still there was a movement a while back to change the UMass mascot from the Minuteman to something less military and to something that definitely wasn't holding a rifle. Thank goodness that common sense prevailed.

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