Saturday, January 28, 2006

Joe Lieberman to Vote No on Alito

This really doesn't come as a surprise to me. Lieberman is first and foremost a politician and secondly a man of principle. We saw this when Lieberman abandoned his support of school vouchers in order to fall in line with Al(l) Gore and we are seeing it again here.

School vouchers was something that Lieberman believed in (and still believes in I bet) but in order to be on the ticket in 2000 - he had to fall in line with the party line and the teachers unions who are vehemently anti-vouchers.

Now in order to play to the base to help insure re-election in 2006 - Lieberman has to vote against a man who he probably knows in his heart is well qualified for the job. I like to think that Lieberman knows his vote equals just an empty protest and is the equivalent of throwing a bone to the hard left but if he knew it was to be a close vote that Lieberman who stick by his principles (like in his support of the war in Iraq) and vote for Alito.

HT Connecticut Conservative (who thinks the same of this as I do or vice versa)

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