Monday, January 04, 2021

Linky Links

Stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.

- Hydroxychloroquine - a tale of how medicine and science were polluted by politics. Medical malpractice is already the third leading cause of death in the US - this pollution just makes it worse. (Long read but really take the time to soak in the story told and the implications.)

13 writing tips from Bird by Bird author Anne Lamott

- Interesting backstory to a photo I think most of us have seen by now.

- Did the Coronavirus escape from a lab? Short answer YES! "80 million people have been infected, and, surprisingly, no public investigation has taken place." That's because the Chinese know this came from the lab in Wuhan.


  1. There will be absolutely no consequences for people who have deliberately and maliciously killed thousands of people because their primary purpose is acquiring and exercising power. It's beyond disgusting.
