Sunday, October 03, 2021

Linky Links

Stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.

- Why I am Suing UCLA. Higher ed is a mess. Much of the problem resides in middle-management bureaucrats who bring nothing to the table except costs. Hope he takes UCLA for millions. 

- Heh Heh (Via)

- Think calling the vaccine booster shot a "third, guaranteed lethal injection" is a bit much but the anecdotal evidence is troubling. And keep in mind there's no legal repercussions to Pfizer if that third shot is lethal to someone. (HT American Digest)  

Good satire always cuts close to the truth


  1. I have taken my 2 degrees from UCLA down from my office wall.

  2. No worries Dan - took care of the double post. Don't know why that sometimes happens either.
