Friday, June 11, 2004

Miscellaneous Thoughts on President Reagan

Some people have suggested that President Reagan's likeness replace Alexander Hamilton on the $10 bill. I don't like that idea and I don't think President Reagan would approve either. I would support the return of the $1,000 bill with Reagan on the front (at the very least so that when you go to Foxwoods you could hear the blackjack dealers shout out to the pit boss, "Changing $1,000" or "Breaking a Reagan").

When I type the word "Reaganomics" - the Blogger spell check feature wants to change it to "reawakening". That has a certain logic to it since the Reagan economic policies were a reawakening for the nation's fortunes.

Who knew that former Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney was so eloquent?

It would be a tough call to decide the greater Presidential love story - the love between Harry and Bess Truman or the love story between Ron and Nancy Reagan.

Ronald Reagan passed away at 93 years of age. Do you realize that if he was still alive - John F. Kennedy would "only" have been 87?

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