Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Some Stream of Consciousness

OK the Red Sox are getting spanked by the Yankees 10-3 so I thought I would just kinda...well... type I guess.

Sometimes it is funny or interesting when people mis-speak or mis-type. My oldest daughter had a problem with "TR" words when she was young and we always had a good laugh by pointing to passing fire engine and asking her, "Honey - what's that?"

To this day when I see a fire engine I think "fire fuck" (or when I lose money to Phil or any of the other firefighters during Thursday night poker I also think "fire fuck").

Anyway - I thought of this because of something Lileks wrote on Monday (and yes Lileks has reached one-name stature on the web like Larry, Michael or Magic in basketball). On Monday many people linked to his Bleat because of his run-in with a Kerry supporter (which was interesting - granted - but heaven is found in the little things). The passage that caught my fancy was:
Friday I started on the MGM Marx Brother set, and started from the end with “The Big Store.” I knew it was lame, but there’s something fascinating about stars past their prime still cranking it out, especially if those stars are Groucho, Chico and Harpo. It has a few moments of amusement – you can’t get the Marx brothers together without something amusing happening. It’s like Liquor, Shiners and hotel rooms.

Now I'm pretty sure that he must have meant "Shriners" not "Shiners".

Shiners to me were either small black-eyes or minnows (you know bait fish). After reading that passage I had the instant image of Harpo either tossing minnows into a crowd below his fourth floor hotel window or actually fishing into a crowd of people (let's not forget the liquor - that would be the reason Harpo was doing these things - too much demon rum you know).

Now of course Harpo would be doing things with "shiners" (minnows) from his hotel room while trying to avoid being caught by the Hotel Dick (which is what they used to call a hotel detective - why they had a need for hotel detectives is a subject for another day). I have never claimed to be so sophisticated that the term "hotel dick" wouldn't make me chuckle. No - in fact I find the term "hotel dick" distractingly funny.

So distractingly funny that the image of Harpo fishing out the window is now completely gone and contemplation on the term "hotel dick" begins in earnest. A person unfamiar with the works of the Three Stooges, Bowery Boys or Marx Brothers would probably be puzzled by the term "hotel dick".

What do you do for work Mr. Smith? Why I'm a hotel dick! (Instant images of Fred Garvin Male Prostitute jump to mind).

Hotel dick as opposed to home dick? Hotel dick - is that like road penis? Yes sometimes I am so immature.

Looking back at what I've typed it occurs to me that people are just as likely to be confused about what a "Shriner" is as what a "Shiner" is - so maybe I should just stop typing now. (And no - I have not been drinking but taking another look at the score of the Red Sox game - maybe that would be a good idea.)

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