Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Bud Light has More Taste Than Miller Lite

It bugs me when people say something and expect you to accept it as truth simply because they said it. The two things being said right now that really get my goat are "Bush lied" and the commercials that espouse "Miller Lite has more taste than Bud Light". Let's take a look at each of these statements.

First "Bush lied."

Lied about what? Ask that to someone who says Bush lied and you'll get something like "well about WMD's for starters." Well if Bush lied about Saddam having WMD then so did Bill Clinton, John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, the independent weapons inspectors and every intelligence agency in the world. They all said that Saddam either had WMD or was pursuing the capabilities.

The person may come back with "what about those 16 words in the State of the Union?" At this point Joseph Wilson has been so discredited for the partisan liar that he is that if the person you talk to brings up the 16 words then you can be sure that you are conversing with a parrot who doesn't think for himself but instead repeats talking points as if they are Gospel truth no matter if they have any basis in fact or not.

This brings us to the Miller Lite commercials.

In case you haven't seen them - they follow the following formula; a person is confronted with what should be life altering information (the guy from the diner is your real biological father or that your new wife has naked pictures of herself circulating on the Internet), the person is able to accept this new information with amazing calm and acceptance but when he is told that "Miller Lite has more taste than Bud Lite" the person acts as if his whole worldview was shattered. The person accepts the premise of "Miller Lite has more taste than Bud Lite" simply because it was spoken out loud. No studies or opinion polls are cited - the words are simply spoken and Miller wants to you accept what they say as fact based on what - trust?

If I said "red has more color than blue" - you wouldn't accept that as fact. It would be an opinion at best.

The people who are peddling "Miller Lite has more taste than Bud Lite" are no different than the Paul Begala's and Howard Dean's who peddle the "Bush lied" memes. Both groups know better but still try to peddle their "message" because they think their audience is made up of enough suckers to get what they want (in Miller's case more market share and in the Democrats case more votes or a more divided electorate).

I get upset because I hate it when people think they can play me for a sucker. By doing so - Miller has just made it more likely for me to remain loyal to Bud Light and with their actions and rhetoric the Democrats are making it more likely that I will continue to vote Republican.

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