Recently A Large Regular was able to catch up with baseball Hall of Famer and ESPN baseball analyst Joe Morgan about JK Rowling's newest installment in the Harry Potter series of books.
ALR: Thanks for the interview Joe. First off, have you read the new Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince?
JM: I read an excerpt in the NY Times. It's typical if you write a book, you want to be the hero. That is apparently what Harry Potter has done. According to what I read in the Times, Potter is smarter and braver than anyone else. I don't think it will make him popular with the other wizards out there.
ALR: Umm... Joe have you read any of the Harry Potter books? You do realize that they were written by JK Rowling - right?
JM: Those Harry Potter books are overrated. Nobody reads those Harry Potter books.
ALR: Harry Potter books overrated? Nobody reads them? Aren't they the best selling books in the world? Could have sworn I'd heard differently.
JM: The Harry Potter books are the second most printed books in the world next to the Bible. The second most printed books in the world! Of course with that many books being printed someone is bound to read a couple. It doesn't mean anything. I mean all those Bibles are printed but they just end up in the bedside tables in hotels.
ALR: Ummm... OK... Changing gears - Joe if you were Harry Potter - what sort of magical power would you want?
JM: I wouldn't be Harry Potter first off. And if I was - I certainly wouldn't write any of these books about myself.
ALR: Joe I think you really aught to read the books if you are going to be making comments about them.
JM: No, I shouldn'’t read the books. 'Cause I don't care about the books. I mean the people reading these books are just a bunch of geeks sitting at computer screens. That's how we got Enron.
ALR: Joe - thanks or joining us today. I'm going to have to go now to get a couple of asprins and maybe a couple of stiff drinks to recover from this interview.
JM: My final comment on Harry Potter - I didn't read the book. If you liked Harry Potter, then follow that theory. I personally prefer my comic books with less words and more pictures.
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