Thursday, July 21, 2005

Harry Potter a Rovian Plot

A Large Regular has learned that the Harry Potter series is all a clever plot by Karl Rove to try and make people see things only in terms of good and evil without the proper nuance or world view.

Karl Rove used JK Rowling as a front for his ideas which are geared to put George Bush and the Bush administration in the best possible light. The thought was that nobody would suspect a British woman as being the instrument of a Rovian conspiracy. The fingerprints of a conspiracy are clear however.

Start with the names. Karl ROve and J K ROwling. A Large Regular has learned that initially the books were supposed to be published under the name K ROwling. Also consider the timing of the books. The first Harry Potter book was released in 1998 - coinciding with George W. Bush beginning his pursuit of the White House.

A Large Regular has uncovered some of the "Rovian Keys" to the plot lines of the Harry Potter series including:

- The Ministry of Magic = the UN and Congress where people are more concerned with their own career advancement and the institution deals more with bureaucracy (the standard thickness of cauldrons) instead of the larger more important issues (fighting Voldemort).

- Dumbledore = Bush standing up to do what's right no matter what the Ministry says. Dumbledore sees evil and fights evil. It should be noted that Dumbledore's enemies nickname him "Dumbly" and that when Dumbledore treats them with common courtesy - they are unfamiliar with it and thus scoff at it. Rowling (aka Rove) has set up the final book to be Potter taking over the fight against evil to continue his (Dumbledore / Bush) legacy.

- Daily Prophet = NY Times and the MSM. The fifth book (which came out during the 2004 campaign) shows the Daily Prophet clearly taking sides against Dumbledore and Harry Potter, taking every opportunity to ridicule them. Of course The Daily Prophet has never admitted they were wrong for their blatant partisanship.

It should also be noted that the dark mark originally was going to be a donkey but it was decided that was pushing things too far.

On a final note - the key to the sixth and seventh books are "horcruxes". This is clever Rovian wordplay. Sounded out, the word "horcrux" sounds an awful like "whore crutch" and this is on purpose. Rove is poking fun at the Democratic Party. The Chamber of Secrets came out about the same time same time as the 2000 election. Looking back how could we have missed the reference to the "heir of Slytherin"? Clearly that was supposed to be Al Gore (heir to the snake like Bill Clinton). In the latest book it is made known that the second horcrux was a ring with a black cracked stone. This is clearly a reference to John Kerry whose "power" came mostly via his wedding ring to Theresa Heinz-Kerry. Will anyone now be surprised if the final four horcruxes turn out to be symbolic of the flaws of the Democratic challengers for the Presidency in 2008?

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