This is rich. Here's John Kerry's statement on the nomination of John Roberts to the Supreme Court of the US:
"“Americans deserve a Supreme Court that is fair, independent, ethical and served by justices committed to our constitutional freedoms rather than an ideological agenda. Justice O'Connor refused to use her position as a means to advance a political agenda. In replacing her, we must be confident Judge Roberts will do the same. "We know Judge Roberts is no Sandra Day O'’Connor, and the White House has sent a clear signal. There are serious questions that must be answered involving Judge Roberts' judicial philosophy as demonstrated over his short time on the appellate court. The Senate must learn whether he has clear consistent principles upholding Constitutional standards like civil rights and the right to privacy in Roe v. Wade. These issues are in serious question if you take even a cursory glance at his record. "“The American people expect the Senate to fulfill its duty to conduct a thorough, independent review of any nominee, and I intend to do exactly that. I hope Judge Roberts and the White House are forthcoming about his qualifications, background and constitutional philosophy so the Senate can act with all the facts. There'’s too much at stake to do anything less."Where to start?
How about with this line, "There are serious questions that must be answered involving Judge Roberts' judicial philosophy." Here's what Ted Kennedy said during Sandra Day O'Connor's 1981 confirmation hearings:
"It is offensive to suggest that a potential justice of the Supreme Court must pass some presumed test of judicial philosophy. It is even more offensive to suggest that a potential justice must pass the litmus test of any single-issue interest group. The disturbing tactics of division and distortion and discrimination practiced by the extremists of the new right have no place in these hearings and no place in the nation's democracy."First Kerry's global test and now a judical test? For a guy who was a pretty poor student he really has a thing for other people taking tests. Maybe Teddy can explain to the Junior Senator how "offensive" his judicial test is.
Next - how about this line; "The Senate must learn whether he has clear consistent principles upholding Constitutional standards like civil rights and the right to privacy in Roe v. Wade." The two sacred cows of the Democratic Party except it isn't civil rights or privacy the Democrats are in love with it is affirmative action and abortion. No Democrat seems to be able to run for national office without supporting these two "ideals". Personally, I think this narrowed focus has been the downfall of the Democratic Party.
Next - "These issues are in serious question if you take even a cursory glance at his record." Why is it that I'm confident that a "cursory glance at his record" is all Kerry took?
Finally this unbelievable piece of chutzpah:
"I hope Judge Roberts and the White House are forthcoming about his qualifications, background and constitutional philosophy so the Senate can act with all the facts. There'’s too much at stake to do anything less."This is from the guy who ran for President of the United States without releasing either his medical records or his military records. Unbelievable.
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