Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Some Memes You May Enjoy

Many a truth is said in jest.

- And razor blades weren't kept behind locked glass.

- I'm an awful person for laughing at this.

- What they want you to believe

- Satan asks Democrats to tone down all the evil.

Capitalism in Action


Linky Links

Stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.

- Venezuela's post WW II GDP

- No matter your politics you must call for President Joe Biden to stand up for the Venezuelan people now!

- Jonathan Turley on the effort to "reform" the Supreme Court.

- Facebook acknowledges that it "mistakenly" censored iconic Trump assassination attempt photo. How come all there Big Tech "errors" always seem to favor one party?

Wednesday Flotsam and Jetsam

Have a new miscellaneous thoughts and observations post up on Substack.

The stories of the Socialists blatantly trying to steal the Presidential election in Venezuela and Joe Biden proposing to "reform" the Supreme Court are related. One of the first things Hugo Chavez did when he took power was to neuter the Venezuelan Supreme Court. Remember that this November.

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Quotes for Today

Some quotes I hope may resonate with you.

Have a new Quotes for Today up on my Substack. As I've mentioned doing this as a way to thank those who have Subscribed. If you are a Subscriber - you should have received an email. Thanks!

Change Your Life in 30-days


Tuesday, July 30, 2024

The Biggest Conspiracy in US History?

Some Kamala Memes You May Enjoy

Many a truth is said in jest. (Sorry - not sorry.)

- I'm an awful person for laughing at the comparison

- Weird

- Funny because it's true!

- All I want for Christmas is for Pete Buttigieg to be named VP

Linky Links

Stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.

- Glenn Reynolds on JD Vance, the New York Times, and Decency. "A grotesque breach of human decency" indeed! Shame on the NY Times (but they have no shame).

- Nancy Pelosi's security aides received warning about breach of Capital before Jan 6th.

- Noah Smith on why did the US miss the battery revolution? Agree that the US is playing catch-up but disagree that government should be involved. Do think e-bikes may be future of urban transportation.

- Is "Bridge Editing" more powerful than CRISPR? Messing with Mother Nature makes me nervous.

Tuesday Flotsam and Jetsam

Have a new miscellaneous thoughts and observations post up on Substack.

Never mind about VP Kamala Harris remaining silent about the 11 dead Israeli children killed by a Hamas rocket. Where's Joe Biden making a statement about this or speaking to the American people? Are we all just conceding that he's no longer in charge and maybe dead?

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Quotes for Today

Some quotes I hope may resonate with you.

Have a new Quotes for Today up on my Substack. As I've mentioned doing this as a way to thank those who have Subscribed. If you are a Subscriber - you should have received an email. Thanks!

Try to Adapt One of These Habits


Monday, July 29, 2024

Take Action

The habit of taking action is one of the most important habits one can develop in life.

As always - please Subscribe, hit the Like button, or share the Link. Thanks in advance!

Linky Links

Stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.

- Was this a bloodless coup?

- Olympics' Last Supper debacle. "If you simply understand 'woke' as a synonym for 'stupid and crazy' you won't go far wrong."

- Is Kamala Harris the show VEEP come to life?

- JD Vance and the emerging counter-elite. (HT Cultural Offering)

Monday Flotsam and Jetsam

Have a new miscellaneous thoughts and observations post up on Substack.

In Venezuela Socialist President Maduro declared election victory despite exit polls showing opposition leader Gonzalez ahead by 30 points. Still don't think election cheating can happen in the US? Reminder - Venezuela outlawed private gun ownership.

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Censorship is Not Over

And Google is equally bad as Meta. If you find your sources for news are lying to you - get a new source. 

Some Memes You May Enjoy

Many a truth is said in jest.

- Am I a bad person for laughing at this?

- Did I mention I like subtle?

- Analysis true!

- Also true!

Quotes for Today

Some quotes I hope may resonate with you.

Have a new Quotes for Today up on my Substack. As I've mentioned doing this as a way to thank those who have Subscribed. If you are a Subscriber - you should have received an email. Thanks!

Shane Parrish

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Some Memes You May Enjoy

Many a truth is said in jest.

- Could happen.

- Don't judge me but I want this painting

- The new Trump

- Trying to watch the Paris Olympics

Top 5 Changes I'd Suggest for Higher Ed

 If I were put in charge - here's my Top 5 Changes I'd make to higher ed.

1. Get rid of any classes that need to have either "Science" or "Studies" added to the course title. It's not "Political Science" - it's "Politics." You don't say "History Science." And any course that adds "Studies" is not really giving you an education for the most part it's giving you an indoctrination instead.

2. If a person goes to a college or university for a minimum of three-years and four years after leaving college that person is not making at least triple the poverty line - then that person gets to declare Education Bankruptcy and wipe out any student debt. The college or university would have to then cover that loan debt out of their endowment fund. Only colleges or universities with a big enough endowment would be eligible for federal student aid. The goal is for the university to want to give the students something tangibly valuable for society not just a degree that's not worth the paper its printed on in the real world.

3. Any revenue associated with college sports would be taxable. No reason why those big TV contracts aren't taxable. And any money an athlete makes from NIL is also taxable.

4. I would make four-years served in the US military with an honorable discharge equal to a liberal arts degree for all Federal employment opportunities with the edge given to those who served for any job where the candidates are otherwise equal. The person coming out of the military probably has more practical skills and a better ability to follow instruction - why not reward them?

5. With the idea of Education Bankruptcy from above in mind - there's a whole group of people where many if not most have at least triple the poverty level in guaranteed income. These are retirees. Why not craft programs for these folks. Many retirees have free time and interests they would have loved to pursue - perhaps archaeology, geology, history of the American Revolution, etc. Why not come up and market Associate Degrees that would be of interest to retirees?    

Goodnight Keith Moon

Linky Links

Stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.

- Good news on Global Equality. Inequality is shrinking and it is capitalism that gets the credit. Still not perfect but getting better. (HT Steve Landry)

- Fill the tub. Good advice.

- NCAA reaches anti-trust deal. Supposedly Division 1 schools could have up to 790 scholarships with up to 105 for football.

- The Constitutional Case against Exclusionary Zoning. (HT Steve Landry)

Sunday Flotsam and Jetsam

Have a new miscellaneous thoughts and observations post up on Substack.

Some people are surprised that Americans can sometimes be so gullible (like Kamala having nothing to do with the Southern border or not knowing Joe Biden was senile) but then you realize that the US has only had 46 Presidents and the average voter would be lucky to name just 10.

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Quotes for Today

Some quotes I hope may resonate with you.

Have a new Quotes for Today up on my Substack. As I've mentioned doing this as a way to thank those who have Subscribed. If you are a Subscriber - you should have received an email. Thanks!

Physics Joke

Saturday, July 27, 2024

McBain - The Movie

Some Memes You May Enjoy

Many a truth is said in jest.

- What's next?

- This question will keep me up at night.

- Heh Heh

- Reminder

Linky Links

Stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.

- The tale of Sam/Oscar the cat.

- VDH on Coup after Coup after Coup.

- America's $175 Trillion Problem

- Gina Carano's lawsuit lawsuit against Disney is judged to proceed. Big legal victory for Carano in her quest for justice against Disney for firing her from The Malalorian

Saturday Flotsam and Jetsam

Have a new miscellaneous thoughts and observations post up on Substack.

Marcus Aurelius once wrote, "The angry man is more like the victim of wrongdoing, provoked by pain to anger." There will be a lot of angry voters this November - like anyone who saw the rise in grocery or gas prices. Don't think those prices are going down or that anger going away.

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Quotes for Today

Some quotes I hope may resonate with you.

Have a new Quotes for Today up on my Substack. As I've mentioned doing this as a way to thank those who have Subscribed. If you are a Subscriber - you should have received an email. Thanks!

Wonder What the Security of that Event Will Be Like?

Friday, July 26, 2024

A Bar Song (Tipsy) - Shaboozey


Friday Flotsam and Jetsam

Have a new miscellaneous thoughts and observations post up on Substack.

Sorry for the delayed posting today. Was playing golf down Cape Cod yesterday and had a great time. Playing catch-up now.

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Quotes for Today

Some quotes I hope may resonate with you.

Have a new Quotes for Today up on my Substack. As I've mentioned doing this as a way to thank those who have Subscribed. If you are a Subscriber - you should have received an email. Thanks!

Kamala in Her Own Words


Thursday, July 25, 2024

Some Kamala Memes You May Enjoy

Many a truth is said in jest.

- Bill Maher on Kamala Harris

- Kamala Harris in her own words

- Reminder

- Andrew Schultz on Kamala Harris

Advice from James Clear


Some Memes You May Enjoy

Many a truth is said in jest.

- I feel seen

- Could be true

- The Internet today. Look for the ads on TV reminding everyone of the facts.

- Also the Internet today.

Thursday Flotsam and Jetsam

Have a new miscellaneous thoughts and observations post up on Substack.

I'm not only a Substack writer I'm also a Substack reader and as such I get email notifications from many accounts. I confess that if I only open about half of those emails because there's only so many hours in the day. So I really understand how getting daily emails from me can be a task and I want to thank those who Subscribe to my account and not only get these emails but open them and read what I offer up.

My sincere thanks! 

Quotes for Today

Some quotes I hope may resonate with you.

 Have a new Quotes for Today up on my Substack. As I've mentioned doing this as a way to thank those who have Subscribed. If you are a Subscriber - you should have received an email. Thanks!

Just Added a Place to Visit to My Bucket List

The library at the British Museum. (HT Execupundit)

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Meditations by Marcus Aurelius

Currently reading Meditations by Marcus Aurelius. It was famously a diary by the Roman emperor who never intended it for publication and never gave it a title. As the author of the edition I'm reading wrote it "was a self-help book in the most literal sense."

Just starting the book but to be honest it does make me curious to learn more about Epicureanism:

"Epicurus acknowledged the existence of gods, but denied they had any interest in human life. As for humans our role is simple to live as best we can, making the most of what pleasures are available to us and insulating ourselves as far as possible from pain and anxiety. In particular, we are we are to feel no anxiety about death, which consists simply in the dissolution of our component atoms." 

Linky Links

Stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.

- Money saving tips from Mr. Money Mustache

- From the archives: The last battle of the American Revolutionary War was actually fought in India?

- Succession by Defenestration. Not sure if Jonathan Turley coined that phrase but I like it!

- Politically Homeless: Considering voting Republican for the first time. There's a lot of people in the same situation.

20-years Ago Today

Some Memes You May Enjoy

Many a truth is said in jest.

- Heh Heh

- If this is legal sign me up!

- Analysis true!

- 100% true!

Wednesday Flotsam and Jetsam

Have a new miscellaneous thoughts and observations post up on Substack.

How hypocritical do those ads asking you to get out and vote seem now? Maybe they should hand out stickers that say "I Voted! (Just not for her)." Actually would be a good product idea.

 As always - please Subscribe, hit the Like button, or share the Link. Thanks!

Quotes for Today

Some quotes I hope may resonate with you.

Have a new Quotes for Today up on my Substack. As I've mentioned doing this as a way to thank those who have Subscribed. If you are a Subscriber - you should have received an email. Thanks!

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Some Memes You May Enjoy

Many a truth is said in jest.

- Does look good on a resume.

- Yes - reverse psychology!

- Heh Heh

- Now this question will keep me up nights

(Crazy on a ) Ship of Fools - Robert Plant


The more I think about it - the more I'm convinced this should be the theme song for the DNC Convention (I built this ship, it is my making).

Linky Links

Stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.

- VDH on A Decade of Conspiracists? Time for people to be held accountable.

- Not to be lost in all the politics - the Brian Flores lawsuit may finally put an end to the NFL's legal arbitration under Roger Goodell. Really rooting for Flores on this one.

- Musburger Media purchases VSiN. Was unaware they network was previously owned by DratKings.

- Ayaan Hirsi Ali: Democrats reap what they sow. The DNC - crazy on a ship of fools. 

Tuesday Flotsam and Jetsam

Have a new miscellaneous thoughts and observations post up on Substack.

Swear I've been trying to avoid political posts (and baseball) but the craziness of events keep thwarting my attempts. Take yesterday's testimony under subpoena on Capitol Hill of Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheadle. Her responses were so bad that politicians on both sides of the aisle went on record calling for her to resign immediately. Surely this for all intents is the death of DEI. Anyway - sorry for an almost all politics based post.

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Quotes for Today

Some quotes I hope may resonate with you.

Have a new Quotes for Today up on my Substack. As I've mentioned doing this as a way to thank those who have Subscribed. If you are a Subscriber - you should have received an email. Thanks!



Monday, July 22, 2024

Some Memes You May Enjoy

Many a truth is said in jest.

- How WD-40 started out.

- Heh Heh

- Awesome!

- Sounds correct

Sober - Tool

Linky Links

Stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.

- The US dwarfs the other nations in the number of Olympic medals won.

- Joe Biden drops out - now what?

- Dr. Peter Attia: Don't underestimate the importance of oral health.

- Does a full-blown civil war loom for the Democrats?

Monday Flotsam and Jetsam

Have a new miscellaneous thoughts and observations post up on Substack.

The new saying for the DNC is that you must not believe the evidence of your own eyes. It is the party's most essential commandment. Can't wait for their two minutes of hate - or as it's known: the DNC's National Convention. Understand it will be televised,

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Quotes for Today

Some quotes I hope may resonate with you.

Have a new Quotes for Today up on my Substack. As I've mentioned doing this as a way to thank those who have Subscribed. If you are a Subscriber - you should have received an email. Thanks!

10 Commandments of Logic

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Some Memes You May Enjoy

Many a truth is said in jest.

- I'm an awful person for laughing at this

- Analysis true! Kind of scary.

- Never change Jim Cramer

- This is funny!

Teach Me How to Live - Audioslave


Hard to believe that yesterday would have been Chris Cornell's 60th birthday. Harder to believe that the forever young (in my mind's eye) Cornell was actually older than me or that he took his own life.

Today in History in 1969


Sunday Flotsam and Jetsam

Have a new miscellaneous thoughts and observations post up on Substack.

So the race is on to see who steps down first - Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheadle or President Joe Biden. Think most people have come to the conclusion that neither is qualified for their job. Also look for a cavalcade of people resigning their posts in the administration in hopes of getting out in time before the Biden stench becomes a permanent stain.

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Quotes for Today

Some quotes I hope may resonate with you.

Have a new Quotes for Today up on my Substack. As I've mentioned doing this as a way to thank those who have Subscribed. If you are a Subscriber - you should have received an email. Thanks!

Fear is the mind Killer

Saturday, July 20, 2024

You Should Be Dancing - Foo Fighters

Saturday Flotsam and Jetsam

Have a new miscellaneous thoughts and observations post up on Substack.

Hope you have great summer weather where you are and take this opportunity to step away from politics for a spell and since most sports are on a break get some sun and have some fun. I know I will.

As always - please Subscribe, hit the Like button, or share the Link. Wish me luck!

Some Memes You May Enjoy

Many a truth is said in jest.

- Heh Heh

- The hot new Christmas gift is already out.

- I like subtle

- Analysis true!

Quotes for Today

Some quotes I hope may resonate with you.

Have a new Quotes for Today up on my Substack. As I've mentioned doing this as a way to thank those who have Subscribed. If you are a Subscriber - you should have received an email. Thanks!



Friday, July 19, 2024

The RNC Convention in a Nutshell

Example A on why a picture is often worth 1,000 words. (Photo via)

Linky Links

Stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.

- Bob Newhart's IMDB page makes for pretty interesting reading. Even if he never even had successful TV series - he was still quote an accomplished actor.

- VDH on letting the voters decide the President - for once!

- UCLA wants to build a rooftop garden for taking psychedelics. As an aside - SFGate has a cannabis editor.

- Morgan Housel: Makes You Think

Bob Newhart RIP

We all knew this day was coming but it still hurts. Comedy legend Bob Newhart has passed away aged 94. He famously was best friends with Don Rickles and in my eyes - the most famous Chicago Cubs fan of them all.

He could take any famous historical character and a simple telephone as a prop and make instant art.

He had one of the most famous openings to any hit show ever. And he had one of the best final acts of any hit TV show ever. That ending BTW was thought up by his wife of 50-years Ginny.

There will never be another like the button-down mind of Bob Newhart.

Friday Flotsam and Jetsam

Have a new miscellaneous thoughts and observations post up on Substack.

Going into the summer both parties wanted their political conventions to be all about their nominees. Both strangely got their wish. The RNC convention was all about Donald Trump in a very positive way. The DNC convention in August has been all about Joe Biden but in a not so positive manner. Oh what a tangled web you weave...

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Quotes for Today

Some quotes I hope may resonate with you.

Have a new Quotes for Today up on my Substack. As I've mentioned doing this as a way to thank those who have Subscribed. If you are a Subscriber - you should have received an email. Thanks!


Off on my annual trek to Saratoga later today. Wish me luck.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Linky Links

Stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.

- Tyler Cowen on the changes of vibes - how did they happen? The list goes on and on.

- Assassination attempts, Spin, Accountability, & and a Culture on Untruth. Think lack of accountability would be more accurate.

- Do your job is great life advice (as long as you understand what your job is and also follow the other bullet points)

- Can JD Vance's Populist Crusade Succeed? Wanting lower taxes, smaller government, legal immigration and being anti-illegal immigration is not "populist" but being pro-common sense. Big difference. I too recommend Marc and Ben's podcast but make up your own mind. I thought they made some good points.

The Power of Small Habits


Some Memes You May Enjoy

Many a truth is said in jest.

- That's one way to look at it.

- It happens

- Everyone has excuses

- Heh Heh

Thursday Flotsam and Jetsam

Have a new miscellaneous thoughts and observations post up on Substack.

In other news all the beaches on the south side of Nantucket island and all the beaches on the South Shore of Massachusetts have to close because some shards of the collapsed wind turbines are a hazard to swimmers. Feel bad for all the families whose annual summer vacation may be impacted. Hope this is the end of those useless off shore wind farms.

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Quotes for Today

Some quotes I hope may resonate with you.

Have a new Quotes for Today up on my Substack. As I've mentioned doing this as a way to thank those who have Subscribed. If you are a Subscriber - you should have received an email. Thanks!



Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Linky Links

Stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.

- Greta Van Susteren on why the Biden tapes should be released. The Dems are afraid the taped will show Biden to be a demented, confused old man. We know - we know.

- Learn a new word every day

- On this day in history

- The preference cascade has begun. Keep having the vision of a campaign worker illegally putting cardboard on windows so people can't view the ballot stuffing and having those windows shot out so that forensics have to be called in and the room is cleared.

Just Married

A few times a year I take long trips where I drive for 5 or more hours. The next time I do I want to put soap letters on my rear windshield saying "JUST MARRIED". Keep in mind that I would be taking this trip by myself. I think people looking for the bride or asking what happened would be funny. "It didn't work out." "She slept with my brother." "She died of food poisoning at our reception." You could go on and on.

My only regret is being older - people might just think "old fool" but if I were younger this prank might be a good opportunity for some random sympathy sex.

My mind might be broken. Actually thought about this a couple years ago but thought I'd share it again today

Did Caffeine Create the Enlighenment

Some Memes You May Enjoy

Many a truth is said in jest.

- He has a point.

- Classic

- Can't unsee this

- Now this question will keep me up at night

Wednesday Flotsam and Jetsam

Have a new miscellaneous thoughts and observations post up on Substack.

If they did a DNC Convention drinking game where someone had to take a drink every time someone appeared on TV wearing a mask or you had to drink every time a speaker said an obvious lie - players would be comatose.

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Quotes for Today

Some quotes I hope may resonate with you.

Have a new Quotes for Today up on my Substack. As I've mentioned doing this as a way to thank those who have Subscribed. If you are a Subscriber - you should have received an email. Thanks!

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Linky Links

Stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.

- Corey Comperatore's widow refuses call from Joe Biden after shooting. Good for her. Refuse to be a prop! JD Vance also refused a call from VP Kamala Harris.

- Ayaan Hirsi Ali on TDS drawing blood.

- Raise a glass for the departed. Agree 100% - raise that glass today for tomorrow is promised to nobody.

- The Rude Editor. 

Some Memes You May Enjoy

Many a truth is said in jest.

- Too soon?

- How it began.

- Sounds possible

- Heh Heh

Tuesday's Flotsam and Jetsam

Have a new miscellaneous thoughts and observations post up on Substack.

The GoFundMe page for the innocent victims of the Butler, PA attempt on President Trump in the crowd has reached over $4 million with Elon Musk donating $100,000. The Trump assassination attempt remains all anyone seems to be talking about.

As always - please Subscribe, hit the Like button, or share the Link. Thanks!

Quotes for Today

Some quotes I hope may resonate with you.

Have a new Quotes for Today up on my Substack. As I've mentioned doing this as a way to thank those who have Subscribed. If you are a Subscriber - you should have received an email. Thanks!



Monday, July 15, 2024


What is the path to knowledge is one of the most asked questions in life.

Have a new post on Substack addressing this question using some of the quotes I've gathered on the subject.

Feel free to share the post. Everyone should tread the path!

Warren Buffett's Tribute to Charlie Munger


Some Memes You May Enjoy

 Many a truth is said in jest.

- Heh Heh

- Sounds accurate

- Heh Heh

- Typical CNN

Monday Flotsam and Jetsam

Have a new miscellaneous thoughts and observations post up on Substack.

Sorry this post is so heavy on thoughts about the assassination attempt on Donald Trump but that is all everyone seems to be talking about. Having missed their opportunity to kill Trump what are the odds those actually pulling the strings decide Joe Biden alive is now a problem that has to be dealt with. Just saying. Who though they'd attempt to shoot Trump either.

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Quotes for Today

Some quotes I hope may resonate with you.

Have a new Quotes for Today up on my Substack. As I've mentioned doing this as a way to thank those who have Subscribed. If you are a Subscriber - you should have received an email. Thanks!



Sunday, July 14, 2024

Linky Links

Stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.

- VDH on Our Biden Brezhnev, our Media Pravda, our USA Soviet Union.

- Paul Graham essay: The Right Kind of Stubborn.

- Billy Boyd and Dominic Monahan reunite with Ian McKellan in food travelogue episode.

- First hand report of the Trump assassination attempt.

Charlie Munger on Learning

Sunday Flotsam and Jetsam

Have a new miscellaneous thoughts and observations post up on Substack.

Yesterday an assassination attempt was made on Donald Trump. They wanted to kill him but just made him stronger. Anyone on the fence saw the attempt immediately became a Trump voter. Those who already supported Trump became ARDENT Trump supporters. And these people own the vast number of guns in this country. All the gang that couldn't shoot straight accomplished was to give Donald Trump his new Secret Service call name - Bull Moose!

Quotes for Today

Some quotes I hope may resonate with you.

Have a new Quotes for Today up on my Substack. As I've mentioned doing this as a way to thank those who have Subscribed. If you are a Subscriber - you should have received an email. Thanks!

Life Advice


Saturday, July 13, 2024

Some Memes You May Enjoy

Many a truth is said in jest.

- Analysis true! Was always a hoax.

- The DNC Convention in August. With more riots!

- Also true!

- I'm an awful person for laughing at this.

Michael J. Fox


Saturday Flotsam and Jetsam

Have a new miscellaneous thoughts and observations post up on Substack.

The news surrounding Joe Biden seems to be changing hourly. What new gaffes did he have, who just publicly said Biden should drop out of the race, how did Donald Trump react? It's near impossible to keep up with. One thing's for sure - the same people who demanded that Trump get tested for cognitive ability, release his tax returns, or be kept off state ballots won't demand the same of Biden because reasons.

As always - please Subscribe, hit the Like button, or share the Link. Thanks!

Quotes for Today

Some quotes I hope may resonate with you.

Have a new Quotes for Today up on my Substack. As I've mentioned doing this as a way to thank those who have Subscribed. If you are a Subscriber - you should have received an email. Thanks!

Rules of Money


Friday, July 12, 2024

Linky Links

Stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.

- The world's energy consumption in 2023. Fossil fuels made up 81% of worldwide use. China used 56% of the world coal while Inia used more than Europe and North America together.

- From the archives: Make learning a life-long habit.

- Joe Biden and the Common Knowledge Game. (HT Tom)

- Reminder



Some Memes You May Enjoy

Many a truth is said in jest.

- Genius!

- Agree with the latter.

- Heh Heh

- I admit I laughed

Friday Flotsam and Jetsam

Have a new miscellaneous thoughts and observations post up on Substack.

Some are also reporting that Joe Biden killed the Democratic Party but that it was a death by suicide. Seems every election there's stories about one party or the other finally being dead. Remember all the stories that came out after Michael Dukakis' failed Presidential bid? 

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Quotes for Today

Some quotes I hope you may enjoy.

Have a new Quotes for Today up on my Substack. As I've mentioned doing this as a way to thank those who have Subscribed. If you are a Subscriber - you should have received an email. Thanks!

Great Neil Gaiman Story

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Willy Wonka Pitch Meeting


Still laugh too hard at this.

Farnam Street Knowledge

When I first learned scuba diving I was taught that "fit and comfort" were the two most important qualities in a scuba suit. It didn't matter how good it looks. How does it fit and is it comfortable. So important to keep in mind for all aspects of your life - especially where you live and who you spend your time with.

Some Memes You May Enjoy

Many a truth is said in jest.

- Analysis true!

- Definitely possible

- Yes!!

- Laughed too hard at this

Thursday Flotsam and Jetsam

Have a new miscellaneous thoughts and observations post up on Substack.

Old euphemisms for whiskey used to include calling it a drop of "save the baby" or "snakebite medicine." Have a friend who calls it "a drop of the creature." Love that language and think we should try to bring those back in usage. 

As always - please Subscribe, hit the Like button, or share the Link, Thanks!

Quotes for Today

Some quotes I hope may resonate with you.

Have a new Quotes for Today up on my Substack. As I've mentioned doing this as a way to thank those who have Subscribed. If you are a Subscriber - you should have received an email. Thanks!

E.B. White

E.B. White would have been 125 today.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Linky Links

Stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.

- From the archives: the man (and his dog) that walked around the world.

- Does Joe Biden have Parkinson's?

- George Will on the Media's lack of accountability

- A sober look at NATO. Admit that going to have to read corporate media with the "breathless voice of a panicked eight year old" from now on.

David Ogilvy's Rules for Writing


If You've Lost Jon Stewart

Some Memes You May Enjoy

Many a truth is said in jest.

- Still funny

- Also still true

- Sarcasm done right

- What the media would have you believe

Wednesday Flotsam and Jetsam

Have a new miscellaneous thoughts and observations post up on Substack.

It's July and yet Joe Biden is just a 2-1 favorite to be the Democratic nominee for November's election. That's not exactly what the DNC was hoping for going into their August convention. Meanwhile Donald Trump plans to announce his choice for VP at the upcoming RNC convention as a great way of building drama and getting people to tune in. Have to hand it to Trump he really is a ratings dynamo.

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Quotes for Today

Some quotes I hope may resonate with you.

Have a new Quotes for Today up on my Substack. As I've mentioned doing this as a way to thank those who have Subscribed. If you are a Subscriber - you should have received an email. Thanks!

What's in a Barrel of Oil

Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Cat People - David Bowie

Mark Sisson's Food Pyramid


Some Memes You May Enjoy

Many a truth is said in jest.

- Analysis true!

- Reminder

- Whether Mexico consents or not

- A little math humor

Tuesday Flotsam and Jetsam

Have a new miscellaneous thoughts and observations post up on Substack.

Hard to believe that the Biden Administration has been so petty to STILL be denying RFK Jr. Secret Service protection. This is an administration that has literally just thrown money around but they can't justify Secret Service protection details for a man who probably out-polls Joe Biden at this point.

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Quotes for Today

Some quotes I hope may resonate with you.

Have a new Quotes for Today up on my Substack. As I've mentioned doing this as a way to thank those who have Subscribed. If you are a Subscriber - you should have received an email. Thanks!



Monday, July 08, 2024

The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway

Email Like a Boss

HT Recommendo

Linky Links

Stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.

- Joe Biden's alternate facts. "It's just my brain." - Joe Biden. 

- Building the Bell System. Interesting history.

- Agree 100%

- Hottest and Coldest temperatures in US history. Sorry climate change folks - nothing this century.

Some Memes You May Enjoy

Many a truth is said in jest,

- Love British politics.

- Sounds like something she'd say.

- One of the greatest typos of all-time

- Heh Heh

Monday Flotsam and Jetsam

Have a new miscellaneous thoughts and observations post up on Substack.

Sorry that again many of my thoughts and observations are on Joe Biden fading to dust before our very eyes. This could make the August DNC convention in Chicago even more interesting. Look for Harris' people to argue that the best chance to beat Trump is to keep the ticket intact (because they also realize that is also her best chance for Kamala to become President). Others will argue that the best chance to beat Trump will be to replace Harris with someone young and smart as VP who voters will feel comfortable stepping up to be President if needed. Harris's people will float the idea that if a woman of color isn't the choice for VP then both women and people of color could sit out the election or worse vote for Trump. Nominating someone like AOC to be VP will only generate arguments that she's actually dumber than Harris. Still others will argue the best course is to replace Biden altogether and potential candidates will come out of the woodwork to put themselves forward. As I said - interesting.

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Quotes for Today

Some quotes I hope may resonate with you.

Have a new Quotes for Today up on my Substack. As I've mentioned doing this as a way to thank those who have Subscribed. If you are a Subscriber - you should have received an email. Thanks!



Sunday, July 07, 2024

John Stuart Mill

"War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling, which thinks that nothing is worth war, is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself." - John Stuart Mill

The Killer Angels

"The point is that we have a country here where the past cannot keep a good man in chains, and that's the nature of the war."

Re-reading the book The Killer Angels by Michael Shaara about the Battle of Gettysburg. My copy is old and battered after being read so many times over so many years and it may be time to finally get a new one. Still every year around this time I feel a need to re-read the book to remind myself about Gettysburg and how important that battle was to the North winning the Civil War. 

I must admit that the book details what was happening on a daily basis and while I'm just finishing July 2, 1863 and there's still two more days to go - I find myself sympathizing with many of the South's officers because I see the mistakes being made and the advice not being listened to. That said the clear hero of the battle is Joshua Chamberlain of Maine and he remains a personal hero of mine. 

The US military has been trained to fight for freedom but the beliefs being impressed upon them today are anything but thoughts of freedom. I can't get that thought out of my head either.

Linky Links

Stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.

- Warren Buffett's son using part of his fortune to fund a private border patrol in Arizona. The same people who were praising Buffett for saying his secretary paid more taxes than him are now upset on what his tax free foundation is paying for. That's funny!

- Jonathan Turley on the Hitchhiker's Guide to Government. Funny how Joe Biden's debate performance made use both think of the Douglas Adams quote.

- From the archives - John Stuart Mill as a science fiction writer. This could make a cool assignment for an AI platform.

- VDH on Ukraine and the Winter War 1939-1940. An important history lesson.

Sunday Flotsam and Jetsam

Have a new miscellaneous thoughts or observations post up on Substack.

The 4th of July has passed and some stores have already put out Halloween goods. A sign that our consumer society has gone crazy. Enjoy the summer instead. Go to the beach, hiking, or to a cookout instead. Have a good time! Enjoy!

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Quotes for Today

Some quotes I hope may resonate with you.

Have a new Quotes for Today up on my Substack. As I've mentioned doing this as a way to thank those who have Subscribed. If you are a Subscriber - you should have received an email. Thanks!



Saturday, July 06, 2024

Johnny Appleseed - Joe Strummer and the Mescalero's

RFK Jr. on Vaccines

Saturday Flotsam and Jetsam

Have a new miscellaneous thoughts and observations post up on Substack.

Remember last year when the founders of Ben & Jerry's ice cream came out and said that all land taken from the native Americans should be returned only to have the Abenaki Nation saying Ben & Jerry's should give back the Vermont land that was originally theirs? Well Ben & Jerry went strangely silent after that. Someone should ask them if they support Biden staying in the race to drag them into another controversy.

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Linky Links

Stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.

- Revisiting John Stuart Mill's book On Liberty. Mill can be dense reading at times but this book is worth a read by everyone.

- Where does the word "hoser" come from?

- The Media's Conspiracy of Silence to Protect Joe Biden. (HT Execupundit)

- Marc Andreessen on the little tech agenda

Quotes for Today

Some quotes I hope may resonate with you.

Have a new Quotes for Today up on my Substack. As I've mentioned doing this as a way to thank those who have Subscribed. If you are a Subscriber - you should have received an email. Thanks!

