Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Quotes for Today

Some quotes I hope may resonate with you.

Have a new Quotes for Today up on my Substack. As I've mentioned doing this as a way to thank those who have Subscribed. If you are a Subscriber - you should have received an email. Thanks!

Heh Heh

Tuesday, July 02, 2024

Linky Links

Stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.

- Paul Graham essay on how to do great work. A year old but worth reading from time to time.

- Yesterday was the great Thomas Sowell's 94th birthday.

- Great tip!

- Niall Ferguson on Thursday's Presidential Debate

Life is Short - Great James Gandolfini Commercial

Some Memes You May Enjoy

Many a truth is said in jest.

- Love these Sean Connery Jeopardy! skits.

- Sounds plausible.

- Genius!

- Now I want to see this!

Tuesday Flotsam and Jetsam

Have a new miscellaneous thoughts and observations post up on Substack.

Boston Celtics paying what it takes to keep the championship team in tact, They just, as everyone expected, gave Jason Tatum a $315 million supermax contract that makes him the highest paid player in the NBA (for now) and a 4-year $125.9 million contract to Derrick White. Their top 9 players from last season's roster are under contract plus their top 2 draft picks. Wick Groesbeck and the other top team owners took this opportunity to sell the team. Not my money but can't help but think I picked the wrong field. Please Subscribe, hit the Like button, or share the Link. Thanks!

Quotes for Today

Some quotes I hope may resonate with you.

Have a new Quotes for Today up on my Substack. As I've mentioned doing this as a way to thank those who have Subscribed. If you are a Subscriber - you should have received an email. Thanks!

Where US Troops are Stationed Overseas


Monday, July 01, 2024

One Reason I Don't Like the Eagles

Recording of Chuck Yeager's Final Flight in the X-1A

Linky Links

Stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.

- Global warming was always a hoax.

- From the archives: 20 cognitive biases that affect your decisions.

- Pat McAfee rips ESPN for giving Prince Harry with Pat Tillman award. Agree - this was a BS move.

- Glenn Harland Reynolds on Chevron, the Supreme Court, and the Law.

Monday Flotsam and Jetsam

Have a new miscellaneous thoughts and observations post up on Substack.

Should have noted that yesterday was the anniversary of the beginning of the Battle of Gettysburg on June 30, 1863. It is perhaps the most significant battle in US history. It's sad that more attention isn't paid to it. As always please Subscribe, hit the Like button, or share the Link. Muchos gracias!

Quotes for Today

Some quotes I hope may resonate with you.

Have a new Quotes for Today up on my Substack. As I've mentioned doing this as a way to thank those who have Subscribed. If you are a Subscriber - you should have received an email. Thanks!

Naval Ravikant on How to Get Rich
