Miscellaneous Thoughts
Some morning thoughts while I have my first cup of coffee...
Woo Hoo! The Red Sox finally won a game! [sarcasm off].... As amazing as Roger Clemens start has been - the start of the season for Rockies pitcher Joe Kennedy has been even more amazing (because you are not surprised that Roger could do this but Joe Kennedy?). Kennedy was so bad that even the Devil Rays didn't want him and now he's 4-0 with a 2.23 ERA for Colorado? Kennedy started 22 games for Tampa last year but already he has more wins this season than last. Maybe most amazing about what Kennedy has done so far this season is the fact that he is 3-0 with a 2.22 ERA at Coors Field.... If the season ended today, then the Padres would be the NL Wildcard and the Cubs would be out. Just thought I'd mention that for all our Chicago readers.... Glenn Reynolds had an excellent point this morning, he mentions that CNN has given the prisoner abuse scandal more airtime and play the past two weeks than they gave Saddam's torture and mass murders in a decade.(Actually there is a ton of interesting things up over at Instapundit this morning - make sure to check him out - he needs the traffic).... Does this explain why Joe Morgan misses so many things that happen during the course of a ballgame?... Personally, I don't have a problem with the Spiderman II ads...
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